Tag Archive | know God

God-Given Blueprint (Part 2) Faith =Listen first…then Act!!

Have you ever been so excited to begin a project that you barely listen to the instructions? Be honest now…I know I’m not the only one!! Lol! We are like small children…we want it NOW; we want to do it NOW & we want the results NOW!!! God gives us a dream…a vision…of what He has called us to do. The only issue? The details of the blueprint have not been filled in!! Without the detailed blueprint, we don’t have the complete plan.

This is the key to following & completing any task that God has set before us…..listen first…..THEN act!!! Both steps are of vital significance; if we leave either one out, the vision…the dream…the project will never be completed. At least, it won’t be completed to God’s satisfaction. And that is what we are striving toward…is it not??

In I Chronicles 28 , when King David announced to all of the officials of the Kingdom that he himself was not going to be the one to fulfill his dream of building the sanctuary, he also announced who was going to be the divinely appointed builder. With a little recap of their history, David reminded his leaders that God Himself had bestowed the crown of leadership on the tribe of Judah. ( Murky bit of history….Benjamin lost the crown due to the actions of King Saul.) Recounting his personal history….he was God’s personal choice from among all of his brothers. David then announced that out of all of his sons…& he had a lot of them….19 to be exact….God had selected Solomon to finish the dream.

Ok….be patient…it doesn’t end there! Remember the “listening” part??? Very, very important!!

God told David (I Chron. 28:6) “…’your son Solomon is the one who shall build My house & My courts; for I have chosen him to be a son to Me; and I will be a father to him. 7. I will establish his kingdom forever IF he resolutely performs My commandments & My ordinances, as is done now'”

Are you listening? Did you hear the promise God made?? And we all know that God is not a liar…He keeps His promises….always! Did you hear that big IF in there?? Solomon has his part to fulfill in this covenant with God.

This is where Solomon had to make sure he was listening intently. His father was about to hand over the blueprint he had been working on for years. The detailed blueprint that God Himself spoke to David…the blueprint that David painstakingly recorded. Talk about hearing God’s voice!! I just got chills!!

In vs 8, David gave all of his officials the key to a successful life for themselves & their sons. “Observe & seek after all the commandments of the Lord your God so that you may possess the good land and bequeath it to your sons forever.” And they were to do it in the sight of all of Israel, and in the hearing of God. In other words….loudly & proudly!!

Then David gave Solomon the best advice…advice that holds true for fathers & sons today…that a father could ever give his son. 1 Chron. 28:9-10 “As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hearts, and understands every intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will let you find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever. Consider now, for the Lord has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary; be courageous & act.”

God gave David the keys to the Kingdom; and David turned around & gave his officials, and his son Solomon, the key to being successful in life & finishing the dream to God’s satisfaction.

The key??? Listen to God, intently & carefullyKnow God……….& then you can act!!! Remember when I talked about us being like children…wanting everything NOW? That very rarely, if ever, works for a Christian striving towards the completion of the vision God has given them!

King David is one of the heroes of the Bible. And he learned the hard way to listen to God first…then actAs children of God, living & walking by faith, this is our key to success!!

Faith = Listen first…then act!


(Yes…there’s a part 3…I’m so excited!! 😀 ❤ )